Bullet Hell Love.
What is Shmuppreciation 2020?
Intergalactic Shmuppreciation Month or ISM, is a month-long contest honoring the shmup video game genre. Typically the contest takes place in March and the first one was in March 2008. Any number of contestants can compete for a prize that is announced and given at the end of the contest. The criteria for entries has been different for each year and is designed so contestants can truly show their appreciation for the shmup genre – Intergalactic Shmuppreciation Month
That’s the introduction from Shmup Fandom wiki but I think the celebration was originally started by the now 404’d shmupmonth.com. My point is that Shmuppreciation is a tradition honouring shoot ’em-ups (shmups).
But wait don’t you historically suck at shmups?
Yes I do. I like the elaborate, pretty patterns the enemy bullets create as they bombard my ship from every angle.
Have you ever written about a shmup before?
Yes. Shoot 1Up. It’s great and holds up really well because this genre is perpetually in the late 1980s.
Where can I join in the fun?
The forums on MoJoMenace.com is where I learned of these weekly challenges. There’s links in the YouTube video descriptions below for how you can play these shmups in your browser.
It was a fun wee tour of some games I’d never have played before. I also learned how to add a wavefrom of my voice to videos so that’s prety damn sweet too.